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Peer supervision is a method which enables the counselors to be involved in a continuous learning process throughout their professional career and not only when they are in training. It is a personal way of learning in which a pair or a small group of colleagues gives supervision to one another. In this article some advantages, potential pitfalls and conditions or ``guidelines' that should be followed to ensure the most effective peer supervision experience are discussed. An effective evaluation can greatly improve the process of peer supervision and can successfully minimise potential obstacles and pitfalls. Hence, in the second part of the article we describe the internal evaluation of the peer supervision process and illustrate it with some results of final evaluations from four peer supervision processes.  相似文献   
一种安全物理隔离系统的设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种基于PCI总线的物理隔离系统,该系统采用物理隔离技术、强身份认证技术、安全审计技术等实现内外网的物理隔离.利用PCI接口控制电路、网络接口电路和逻辑控制电路实现了系统的自适应网络功能和内外网的安全物理隔离,能自动识别所连接网络设备的速率和工作方式,并自动将工作方式和速率调整到正确的模式与之相适应.系统管理软件包括安全策略管理模块、安全审计模块、数据库记录交换模块、文件交换模块和邮件交换模块,以实现内外网数据安全高效的交换和管理;使用Windows DDK实现了基于NDIS的硬件驱动程序.系统原型已在湖北省公安消防总队政府上网工程中稳定高效地运行,其关键技术的实现对相关课题研究具有普遍意义.  相似文献   
Students’ rating of teacher behaviors provides valuable information on teaching improvement and instructional quality. Unfortunately, there is a lack of new validated instruments for measuring teacher behaviors. The Teacher Behaviors Inventory is an old inventory that was initially developed to measure teaching behaviors as regards lecture-based instructions, which is effected through the use of low-inference items. The aim of this study was to assess its continued suitability in the present educational setting by examining its construct validity and internal consistency through the lens of one lecturer’s teaching behaviors, as rated by 527 students after six interactive lectures. The variables evaluated, as mentioned above, were achieved after an items removal process, which resulted in a 32-item version. Apart from being valid and reliable, this condensed version allows for immediate assessment of teaching behaviors after an instruction session as the rating procedure is now more straightforward and less time-consuming, and also enables a reduction in rating errors. Therefore, the 32-item format serves as a practical diagnostic feedback tool in the present educational arena, permitting a longitudinal teaching behavior assessment to enhance teachers’ professional development.  相似文献   
This study aims to increase our understanding of the dynamics of the Palestinian media and the conditions and circumstances in which they work, including both the conflict with Israel and the internal political strife within Palestinian society. It is based on the use of qualitative research methods and was conducted in two stages. First, we performed a mapping of Palestinian media outlets. Data on these Palestinian media outlets were collected online from the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Information website, the Gaza-based Hamas government’s Ministry of Information website, and statements published by Palestinian media outlets on their websites describing their affiliation and ownership. Second, to gain a more in-depth understanding of the dynamics and experience of practicing journalism in a situation of asymmetrical conflict, semistructured in-depth interviews were conducted with 25 professional local Palestinian journalists working for local media outlets in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem. Through this study we aim to learn more about how groups shape and express their narratives and agendas through the media when restricted by the conditions, pressures, and limitations of asymmetrical conflict.  相似文献   
制度伦理适应了社会转型的需要,有效地解决了当前的道德危机。但制度伦理有其限度,即不是所有的伦理都能制度化;制度伦理有悖于道德生成论;制度伦理的价值指向只溯及到形式公正;制度伦理不是伦理建设的最高形式。  相似文献   
地方高校教师转型发展的内在逻辑包括三个方面:转变理念是地方高校教师转型发展的基础;优化队伍是地方高校教师转型发展的核心;政策推动是地方高校教师转型发展的保障。在转型发展过程中,地方高校教师面临着转型发展主体性意识不强、应用型动力不足、缺乏有效的机制和生态式管理等四重困境。基于此,对地方高校教师转型发展的突破路径进行探讨,有助于促进地方高校的转型发展。  相似文献   
高校内部管理体制改革的新趋向及其逻辑   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新一轮的高校内部管理体制改革呈现出一些新的趋向,主要表现为由内部领导体制转向内部治理结构的构建、基于学科的高校管理系统的构建、以教师队伍建设为主体的聘任制度和分配制度的建立以及高校管理活动中经营观念的引入。这些新趋向的出现,既有高校外部逻辑,也有其内部逻辑。  相似文献   
从内生动力角度分析"双高计划"的价值引领及职业院校的价值追求,分析"双高计划"背景下职业院校的共同价值追求--实现大发展、做出大贡献、打造大品牌。以天津职业大学"双高计划"建设为例,探索实现价值追求的路径:制定长远发展目标,打造人才培养高地,提升学校综合实力,创建学校特色品牌;培养技能人才服务区域发展,加强技术成果转化服务产业转型升级,做好社会培训服务学习型社会,开展对口帮扶支持国家战略;坚定文化自信打造学校品牌,依托优势专业建设专业品牌,建设双师队伍树立教师品牌,制定卓越人才计划培养学生品牌。  相似文献   
<民办教育促进法实施条例>的最终出台,对民办教育事业的发展影响深远.但其中的某些条款仍引起了人们的争论,其中关于"合理回报"一款就颇有争议.本文以"合理回报"为切入点,探讨了这条措施出台的原因,并对这一做法的实施进行分析,提出了自己的一点看法.  相似文献   
文章从意识形态这个概念切入,阐明意识形态是一种思想(观念)总和或思想(观念)体系,是理论的,概念的.把文学看成意识形态实际上是从政治学、社会学或哲学的角度也可说是"外"角度方面来研究文学,是把文学当成概念化、理论化、功利化、非审美的东西.如果从审美学的角度来说,理论化的意识形态不是审美的,而审美的对象不包含理论化的意识形态.西方马克思主义者伊格尔顿、马尔库塞等也企图把审美与政治意识形态结合起来,然而他们也并没有提出意识形态是审美对象,文学是审美的意识形态.笔者认为,当下文学理论界几乎都认同的"文学是审美意识形态"的观念或命题是不能成立的.但我们并不否定文学是审美的,换一个角度来考察,也即从文学研究的"内"角度或从它作为审美价值的载体来看,文学的确是审美的.从内外角度研究文学也是中国现代百年文学理论教材建设的-个优秀传统,而强调文学是社会意识形态是马克思主义文学理论教材的一个显著特征.然而,考察文学的内外的两个角度是不能混淆的,把文学说成是审美意识形态实际上是把两者混淆起来.  相似文献   
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